Analysis On Lipp Silo Equipment
Flyer steel silo is spiral designed, and spiral steel silo is also called lipp silo. With the development of the grain silo construction, the demand for steel silo is increasing day by day. As the demand for steel silo’s capacity is large, the silo’s meter can be more than 16 meters, and height 30 meters. So the thickness of the steel sheet also increases. The silo body and top cover weight can be 65 tons or even more than 80 tons. In order to improve the work efficiency and accelerate the construction speed, silo wall stiffener usually connected to the silo wall first, then advance and rise with the silo body. This increases the need to support and advance the total weight of the silo. All of these weight and propulsion needs Lipp silo equipment provided. The supporting force and pushing force have been given and limited. Therefore, careful analysis and research the working mechanism and working ability of Lipp equipment and try to improve is very important.

Flyer experts have done researches on the working mechanism of Lipp equipment and find out the weak link of equipment. To carry out the protection, maintenance and reinforcement, is conducive to the safety of construction, improve work efficiency and prolong the life of equipment. Reinforcing the weak link of Lipp silo reeling equipment and additional power can increase the drive ability and support ability, to improve the efficiency of silo reeling.
Analysis of Lipp Silo Equipment Support Competence
Key Components of Equipment Support Capability
The size of Lipp equipment support ability depends on the weak link of equipment. The components of these weak links are: touch roll bearing, roller bearing, adjusting rob bolt, diagonal strut, inclined rod connecting bolt.Analysis of Lipp Silo's Carrying Capacity
Touch Roll Bearing:- No.42601 Roller shaft pin can only bear radial load, after calculating, it can bear dynamic load Pm=5.3kN, static load Po=37.2kN.
- Application characteristic: Allow the inner ring and the outer ring axis deviation smaller (2’~4).
- Cause of damage: When the installation, the inner and outer ring axis deviation; large axial force.
- Measures to improve carrying capacity: Reduce the installation deviation of the inner and the outer contour; Reduce axial force; Replace high bearing capacity and allowable larger deviation bearing if necessary.
Roller bearing: Roller pin should Bear the force of roller bearing, this force can be divided into vertical shear and radial force, the diameter of the shaft pin is 35mm, the angle is between 10 degree to 20 degree. According to the force from silo transmitted to each idler to calculate the bearing capacity of axle pin. When necessary should replace the lager diameter roller bearing.
Adjusting rob bolt & Inclined rod connecting bolt: After the adjusting rob bolt and Inclined rod connecting bolt are entrusted with the roller bearing force, the shear force is generated. The shearing force of the adjusting rob bolt and Inclined rod connecting bolt can be determined according to the angle of the force of the roller. Bolt bearing capacity according to the bolt diameter and material type determination, when not meet the requirements, should replaced with a large diameter of the bolt.
Diagonal strut: Diagonal strut should be based on the rod material, cross section calculate bearing capacity, check the strength of the force, when the strength is insufficient can strengthen.
In summary, in the support system, the most critical component is touch roll bearing and roller bearing, other components are easy to be reinforced or replaced.
Dynamic Analysis of Lipp Silo
Dynamic problems also have two aspects, on one hand is the power for silo reeling, on the other hand is the driving force provided by the Lipp silo reeling equipment, driving force must be greater than the required power to start reeling silo.
Power for Silo Reeling
Power for silo reeling is related to acceleration at start up and the total weight need to promote. The total weight of equipment is 68 tons, normal operation of the speed is three meters per second or four meters per second. The faster starting speed, the greater required thrust.
Device Driver Capability of Spiral Steel Silo
Device driving ability is related to equipment parameters, spring working pressure and friction coefficient.
When start-up time is over 0.5 seconds, speed under four meters per second, the impetus they need is 8.92kN, less than device driver capability 11.98kN, facilitate capacity is enough. If you want to increase the speed of drive, must add power to complete.
Conclusion: Analysis shows that reinforcement of imported Lipp silo reeling equipment, reasonable use of the best angle, speed and other parameters, can advance larger silo and improve the service life of equipment. Add extra drive, will make thrust much more than the Lipp equipment original finite reel size limit. Application of the above analysis results, a project had successfully advanced the 16 meters diameter and 25 meters high steel silo and stiffener together, and achieved considerable economic benefits.