Commons: Polisi penghapusan

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Deletion policy and the translation is 57% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Deletion policy and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

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Laman ini menerangkan 'polisi penghapusan bagi Wikimedia Commons. Sebagai ringkasan, imej, fail bunyi, video, fail sumber dan fail lain dirujuk sebagai "fail", dan galeri, kategori, templat, laman perbincangan dan lain-lain dirujuk sebagai "laman". Laman ini tidak menjelaskan isu hak cipta dan polisi perlesenan Commons. Lihat Commons:Perlesenan.

Gambaran umum prosedur

Terdapat tiga prosedur utama bagi penghapusan. Ianya akan digunakan dalam kes berbeza, bergantung kepada alasan yang digunakan untuk penghapusan:

  • Penghapusan segera: dalam beberapa kes, fail mungkin dihapuskan secara segera atau tidak berapa segera. Jika anda benar-benar pasti yang penghapusan laman atau fail memenuhi kriteria penghapusan segera seperti keralatan dalam muat naik yang anda lakukan, terdapat perlanggaran hak cipta terang-terangan, "tidak bebas" dan oleh itu (butiran terperinci diperjelaskan di bawah) fail memenuhi kriteria untuk penghapusan segera. Kesemua fail (teg) yang terkesan boleh didapati di bawah Category:Candidates for speedy deletion.
  • Tanda penghapusan: terdapat templat yang spesifik boleh digunakan untuk pelbagai situasi, yang membawa kepada penghapusan selepas masa tertentu (selalunya 7 hari) jika masalah tidak diselesaikan.
  • Penghapusan berkala: Jika terdapat keperluan untuk perbincangan (di mana dalam kebanyakkan kes ianya cara yang paling disarankan jika anda masih baru di Commons dan terdapat kebimbangan mengenai isu perlesenan), fail/laman sepatutnya disenaraikan sebagai permintaan penghapusan. Untuk mana-mana kes yang melibatkan keraguan, gunakan permintaan penghapusan berbanding meminta untuk penghapusan segera. Sila tandakan fail/laman dalam kes itu dengan {{Delete}} dan sila jangan lupa untuk memberikan sebab di bawah tanda dan menambah imej ke Commons:Permohonan penghapusan dan maklumkan kepada pemuat naik.

Dalam kesemua kes, buat pertimbangan untuk menggunakan GlobalUsage bagi mendapatkan idea di mana imej-imej ini digunakan sebelum menghapuskannya.

Alasan penghapusan

Isu undang-undang

Perlanggaran hak cipta


Penandaan penghapusan segera {{Copyvio}} ialah untuk perlanggaran hak cipta yang jelas. Gunakan {{copyvio|1=Alasan}} atau {{copyvio|source=URL}} untuk menjelaskan kenapa ia melanggar perlanggaran hak cipta. Ambil perhatian bahawa jika fail media atau rencana itu disyaki tetapi bukan melakukan perlanggaran hak cipta secara jelas (termasuklah kesemua hasil kerja hak cipta dalam ruang umum), ia perlu diletakkan di Commons:Permohonan penghapusan.

Maklumat undang-undang hilang

Jika terdapat maklumat perlesenan yang hilang, fail akan ditandakan sebagai kehilangan maklumat dan pemuat naik akan dimaklumkan dan diberi masa tujuh hari untuk memperbetulkan masalah itu. Selepas tempoh yang diberikan, fail boleh dihapuskan oleh pentadbir dengan segera tanpa perbincangan tambahan, jika maklumat itu masih lagi hilang. Kesemua (penandaan) fail yang terkesan boleh didapati di bawah Category:Missing legal information.

Fail dengan kehilangan sumber atau maklumat perlesenan perlu ditandakan dengan satu daripada mesej berikut.

  • {{subst:nsd}} (no/missing source, tagged by date) (tiada/hilang sumber, ditandakan dengan tarikh)
  • {{subst:nld}} (no/incomplete licensing information, tagged by date) (tiada/tidak lengkap maklumat perlesenan, ditandakan dengan tarikh)
  • {{subst:npd}} (no/missing permission, tagged by date) (tiada/hilang keizinan, ditandakan dengan tarikh)
  • {{subst:dw-nsd}} (derivative work, no/missing original source, tagged by date) (terbitan kerja, tiada/hilang sumber asal, ditandakan dengan tarikh)

Sila maklumkan pemuat naik bahawa anda telah menandakan fail itu juga (lihat nota pada templat selepas menandakan fail itu dengan templat berkaitan). Selepas ini mereka diberi masa 7 hari untuk membetulkan maklumat.

Jika selepas tempoh yang diberikan maklumat lesen dan sumber yang diperlukan telah dipenuhkan, penandaan itu sepatutnya dibuang. Jika ia tidak dibetulkan, fail itu layak untuk penghapusan segera. Namun, anda tidak perlu menyenaraikan fail itu untuk dihapuskan atau penghapusan segera. Kerana fail-fail itu telah ditandakan dengan tarikh, pentadbir boleh melihat secara automatik fail mana yang layak untuk dihapuskan dengan melakukan pencarian di subkategori Category:Missing legal information.

Lesen bukan bebas dan kegunaan wajar

Menurut polisi perlesenan Commons, Wikimedia Commons hanya menerima kandungan bebas, di mana, imej dan fail media lain boleh digunakan oleh sesiapa, bila-bila masa, untuk apa sahaja tujuan. Commons juga tidak menyimpan salinan "kegunaan wajar" untuk kandungan bukan bebas (lihat Commons:Fair use), selain daripada beberapa simbol bukan bebas untuk projek-projek WMF.

  • Fail yang hanya dilesenkan di bawah lesen bukan bebas (seperti kegunaan adil, bukan komersil atau dengan keizinan) mungkin dicalonkan untuk penghapusan segera menggunakan penanda {{Speedydelete}} (sila pastikan untuk memberi alasan: {{speedydelete|Reason}}).
  • Penanda penghapusan segera {{Fair use}} ialah untuk fail yang telah ditandakan dengan kegunaan adil rasional.

Isu perlesenan/hak cipta lain

Fail atau laman boleh disenaraikan untuk penghapusan di Commons:Permohonan penghapusan dalam kes-kes berikut:

  • Fail/laman memiliki status hak cipta yang kabur tetapi kaedah yang diperjelaskan di bahagian Maklumat undang-undang hilang tidak boleh digunakan.


Penanda {{Speedydelete}} boleh digunakan untuk mencalonkan penghapusan segera di mana tiada penanda penghapusan segera lain yang lebih spesifik. Sila jangan lupa untuk menambah alasan seperti ini: {{speedydelete|Reason}}. Antara kes yang berkaitan seperti:

Terdapat perlanggaran polisi privasi.

Tiada kaitan

Fail/laman yang "tidak berkaitan" selalunya disenaraikan di Commons:Permohonan penghapusan.

Tiada berguna secara ilmiah

Fail tidak berguna secara realistik untuk kegunaan ilmiah. Contoh fail yang tidak berguna secara realistik termasuklah:

  • Koleksi imej peribadi, contohnya foto keraian peribadi, foto anda dan rakan-rakan, koleksi album percutian dan lain-lain. Terdapat banyak projek lain di Internet yang boleh anda gunakan untuk tujuan itu, seperti Flickr. Koleksi imej peribadi seperti itu tidak berilmiah walaupun ianya dipaparkan sebagai galeri pada laman pengguna di Commons atau di mana-mana sahaja.
  • Karya seni ciptaan sendiri tanpa kegunaan ilmiah yang jelas.
  • Fail yang tiada tambah nilai ilmiah walaupun berbeza dengan koleksi imej yang kami simpan, yang meliputi subjek yang sama, lebih-lebih lagi jika fail itu berkualiti sederhana atau buruk.

Promosi diri sendiri atau vandalisma/serangan

  • Advertising or self-promotion. (COM:ADVERT)
  • Files apparently created and/or uploaded for the purpose of vandalism or attack. Pre-existing designs and symbols that are or have been associated with nationalistic, religious or racist causes are not out of scope solely because they may cause offence. Provided they are legal to host and otherwise fall within Commons scope (e.g. if they could for example be used to illustrate a Wikipedia article on a hate group) they should be kept. (COM:VAND)
  • Other files uploaded in bad faith, such as for copyright trolling

Isu sosial

Foto orang yang boleh dikenal pasti

Commons menghormati hak undang-undang berkaitan subjek fotografi kami dan memenuhi kewajipan moral untuk bertindak secara beretika berkenaan dengan fotografi orang perseorangan. Ini bermakna sesuatu fotografi tidak sesekali akan diterima di Commons tanpa persetujuan sewajarnya daripada subjek. Lihat Commons:Photographs of identifiable people.

Penghapusan secara ihsan

Walaupun tidak diperlukan untuk melakukannya atas sebab undang-undang atau alasan polisi lain, Commons boleh pada bila-bila masa memilih untuk menghapuskan imej, sebagai contoh tanda muhibah kepada jurufoto yang melakukan kesilapan. Untuk panduan yang dicadangkan, lihat Commons:Courtesy deletions.


Umum: penghapusan segera

Penanda {{Speedydelete}} boleh digunakan untuk mencalonkan penghapusan segera di mana tiada penanda penghapusan segera lain yang lebih spesifik. Sila jangan lupa untuk menambah alasan seperti ini: {{speedydelete|Alasan}}. Antara kes yang berkaitan seperti:

  • Rosak, dijangkiti virus, dikosongkan secara tidak sengaja, dan lain-lain. (jika terdapat keraguan, senaraikan di Commons:Permohonan penghapusan sebagai kandungan/format yang tidak diketahui)
  • Pernah dihapuskan sebelum ini di bawah panduan penghapusan Commons
  • Telah dimuat naik dengan niat hanya untuk tujuan vandalisma, serangan peribadi, dan/atau spam.
  • Kosong dan tiada sejarah yang signifikan
  • Paten yang mengarut, ujian atau vandalisma
  • Laman pengguna atau sublaman di mana penghapusan telah diminta oleh pengguna
  • Laman pengguna atau sublaman pengguna yang tidak wujud
  • Ubah hala laman di mana laman lain mesti dipindahkan
  • Ubah hala laman ke laman yang tidak wujud
  • Kategori yang tiada kandungan atau mengandungi kategori utama sahaja, dan secara jelasnya tidak digunakan untuk masa akan datang
  • Laman perbincangan untuk kandungan yang telah dihapuskan (melainkan terdapat kandungan yang memberi manfaat)

Umum: Pencalonan penghapusan

Fail/laman sepatutnya disenaraikan di Commons:Permohonan penghapusan jika

Isu penamaan

  • Sila jangan muat naik fail kembali untuk menukar nama fail. Untuk menamakan semula fail, gunakan {{rename|new_name|numeric rationale|additional reason}}.


Jika terdapat fail yang memiliki jenis yang sama dan anda sangat yakin bahawa ia memiliki kandungan yang sama (warna, kualiti, dan lain-lain), tandakan dengan {{duplicate|File:example.jpg}} dan letakkan parameter (File:example.jpg) di mana fail boleh menggantikan fail pendua itu.

Files that are not of the same file type are not duplicates, but instead possibly redundant (see below), and require a deletion request.

Exact duplicates of a file are listed at the bottom of the description page by the MediaWiki software.

  • A bitmap (PNG, JPEG or GIF) file superseded by a vector graphic is not considered to be an exact enough duplicate. Such files ought to be listed at Commons:Permohonan penghapusan so that they may be decided upon, case by case.
  • Care should be taken when the format is different: For example, it is common and useful to have both a PNG and JPEG of the same image, since (due to a long-standing issue with the thumbnailer), JPEGs thumbnail is better. However, JPEGs aren't lossless images, so progressive editing of a JPEG will destroy the quality, whereas a PNG does not have this problem. Hence, a PNG for (further) editing and a JPEG for display can be justified.
  • If one of the duplicate copies of the image was uploaded by the author, keep that version and redirect the others.
  • If there are varying descriptions in the different image description pages, ensure all the relevant information is merged into the copy to be preserved.
  • After deleting the duplicate, redirect the deleted filename unless it is misleading or a very recent upload. (This avoids breaking links from external reusers of images.)

Note: if it is a work that is very similar (or identical) to another, but not an exact duplicate, it’s a redundant file, which mandates a different procedure. See below.

Redundant/bad quality

Redundant or low-quality files only get deleted on a case-by-case basis after they are listed at Commons:Permohonan penghapusan. At deletion requests you will need to provide reasons why a particular file is inferior to the alternative version (for more information, see Commons talk:Superseded images policy).

Before requesting a low-quality or redundant file for deletion, make sure that the file is not in use anymore by using GlobalUsage. You may replace uses of the file on local projects by superior versions, subject to the local project’s policies. If at the end of the discussion period a deletion is agreed upon and the file is still not in use, it can be deleted.

Template Usage
For speedy deletion
{{Duplicate}} For files that are exactly the same or scaled down.
{{Bad name}} Use this one if YOU have uploaded a file under a bad name.
For replacement
{{Superseded}} If a better file of the same theme was uploaded.
{{SupersededPNG}} Use for GIF & JPEG that have been superseded by PNG.
{{Vector version available}} Use for raster images that have been superseded by an SVG.
{{Technically replaced}} Use for SVG (usually) that have been replaced with an inferior file.
{{Original}} To protect the original file.

In case of a redundant page (not file), consider simply making it a redirect.

Procedures in detail

Speedy deletion

Lihat juga: Commons:Criteria for speedy deletion.

There are certain instances when a file needs to be "speedy deleted" and under which an administrator can delete pages, images and other files on sight. For some cases there are specific speedy deletion tags (see above); otherwise, the generic tag {{Speedydelete}} is available. Don't forget to add a reason like this: {{speedydelete|Reason}} (see Commons:Criteria for speedy deletion for acceptable criteria).

The {{Copyvio}} template is an often-used speedy deletion tag used for files that are obvious, blatant copyright violations. Place the template at the top of the file's page, using: {{copyvio|1=Reason|source=URL}}. The source URL parameter is optional. After saving it, click on the template where it says "Click here to show further instructions", and copy the displayed {{Copyvionote}} template to the end of the uploader's talk page to notify them. A new section will be created automatically.

An administrator will delete the file/page in due time. If anyone disagrees with the speedy deletion of a particular file, please convert to a regular deletion request (see below). Always make sure that all local links to a file or page are corrected and updated before deletion. The files/pages listed for speedy deletion are included automatically in Category:Candidates for speedy deletion and its subcategories.

Please always remember: Before deleting images in speedy deletion, make sure that the user has placed it there in accordance with these deletion guidelines. If not, please modify the template, moving it off of this page. Always check the file history to determine that the proper image description has not been vandalised.

When speedy-deleting files, it is suggested but not required to run GlobalUsage in order to fix uses on Wikimedia projects.

Deletion tagging

In some cases a file may be tagged with a “problem tag”, and will be deleted if the problem is not resolved after a certain time (typically 7 days). See for example "#Missing legal information" above.

Regular deletion

The AjaxQuickDelete gadget, enabled by default, creates a Nominate for deletion link in the lefthand “Tools” menu. (Requires Javascript)

The “regular deletion” process involves starting a deletion discussion on a separate page, for which there is a standard schema, and listing the debate at Commons:Permohonan penghapusan. A “nominate for deletion” link in the lefthand toolbox is available (it requires Javascript to work) to make it easy to list files/pages at Commons:Permohonan penghapusan. This can also be done manually, however: the file/page is marked for deletion by adding {{delete|reason|day=8|month=Ogos|year=2024}} template (replace reason by yours) and then it must be listed on Commons:Permohonan penghapusan; also, the uploader should be informed of the impending deletion.

The file/page may be deleted on decision by an admin if there were good reasons given in the debate for doing so. Always make sure that all local links to a file or page are corrected and updated before deletion. When deleting a file from deletion requests, it is good practice to run GlobalUsage and orphan the usage of that file. More information can be found on Commons:Permohonan penghapusan, and the files/pages listed for deletion are included in the Category:Deletion requests.

If you wish to nominate multiple items for deletion for the same reason (a mass request or mass nomination), please see Commons:Deletion requests/Mass deletion request.

Regular deletion requests are separate pages that are transcluded in other pages. Therefore if you wish to add one or several categories to a deletion request you should place the category or categories in the wikitext between <noinclude> and </noinclude> for the purpose that the category or categories apply only to the deletion request concerned. See also: Help:Noinclude, includeonly, and onlyinclude.


In general, requests can be closed by an administrator after seven days. Deletion requests for obvious copyright violations can be closed earlier. Problematic or complex requests (such as highly used templates) can wait longer – even for several months if necessary. Non-admins may close a deletion request as keep if they have a good understanding of the process, and provided the closure is not controversial. If in doubt, don't do it.

In addition, no user may close a deletion request as Kept which includes media they have uploaded.

Administrators are encouraged to check whether the uploader was notified on their talk page of the pending deletion request (unless the image is an obvious violation, in which case the image can be speedy deleted).

Deletion request pages are closed with {{Delh}} (DeletionHeader) at the top, with a signed summary of the result kept or deleted between a horizontal ruler ---- and the {{Delf}} (DeletionFooter) at the bottom. For a kept page {{Kept}} can be used on its talk page as pointer to the closed DR.


To appeal debates of image not deleted, you might first want to discuss with the admin who closed the discussion. If you believe the deletion was done in error, appealing deleted images can be done at Commons:Undeletion requests.

If the decision was correctly based on the current licensing and project scope pages, you should express your dissatisfaction on a respective page.


If a category should be renamed to better name or merged as a duplicate category, you can use {{move|target category name|reason|date}} as a change request. Please do not blank categories as this generally needs more checking work to avoid needless emptying of categories and vandalism.

If the name of an abandoned (emptied) category is not incorrect, misspelled nor misleading, it should be not deleted, but “redirected” using {{category redirect|new name}} or changed to a disambiguation page by {{Disambig}}.

Misspelled or misleading emptied old categories can be speedily deleted. See Commons:Rename a category. Categories that are empty and obviously unusable for the future (unlikely to be ever meaningfully used) can generally be deleted by speedy deletion. If possible, the deletion summary should contain a click-able link to the category (categories) where the previous content was moved.

If neither of the above cases apply, an entry can be placed at Commons:Categories for discussion (follow the link for instructions on how to do this).

See also