Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
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English: - Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, established in 1916, displays the results of 70 million years of volcanism, migration, and evolution—processes that thrust a bare land from the sea and clothed it with complex and unique ecosystems and a distinct human culture.
Deutsch: - Auf der größten Insel von Hawaii, im gleichnamigen Bundesstaat der USA gelegen, befindet sich im Hawaii Volcanoes Nationalpark der aktivste Vulkan der Welt, der Kilauea. Der Park reicht von der Pazifik-Küste bis zum größtem Vulkan, dem 4.169 Meter hohen Mauna Loa und umfasst ein komplexes und einzigartiges Ökosystem. Das Ergebnis von 70 Millionen Jahren Vulkanismus, Migration und Evolution kann im Park beobachtet werden.
日本語:- ハワイ火山国立公園(―かざんこくりつこうえん、Hawaii Volcanoes National Park)は、アメリカ合衆国ハワイ州ハワイ島の南に広がる火山地帯を中心とした国立公園。

360° panoramic view of Hawaiʻi lava field
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Offerings of fruit at a crater rim (of Mauna Loa) on the Big Island of Hawaii
Walking across the lava flow, Big Island of Hawaii
An ironic sign warning of danger
Jaggar Museum
Kilauea Military Camp office as it appeared in 1959
Old lava flows covering roads
Sea arch of lava
Kilauea Iki vent, which erupted in 1959, contains a solidified lava lake.
The 300 foot wide and 500 foot deep Pauahi Crater along the Chain of Craters Road.
Steam plumes along the Halema'uma'u Crater rim
At Sulphur Banks, volcanic gases seep directly from the ground
Eruptions and active lava flows
Arching lava fountain about 10 m high, south of Pu‘u Kahaualea
Slow moving lava can be approached quite closely
Tree on fire in active lava flow
Steam from active lava tubes along the Chain of Craters Road.
Halema'uma'u Crater is one of two active vents of the Kilauea volcano.
Pahoehoe flow
A'a flow
Satellite imagery
3D radar (false color) image of Kilauea
Maps and diagrams
Location of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Map of National Park Service facilities on island of Hawaii
NPS facilities on true-color map
Diagram of hotspot