Grain Silo is Greatly in Need in India - Flyer Spiral Steel Silo
In the course of agricultural production, the management of agricultural products after harvest becomes many farmers’ first concern. For a large agricultural country like India, proper and safe grain storage facilities are essential. Because in India, a large number of grain’s loss is caused by damp mildew, insects, rodents and birds. Ten years ago, India's annual grain production is about 130 million tons, it is estimated that every year 80 million tons of damage due to the rotten or pest rodents.
The Associated Press reported that in northern India wheat producing areas, because of the rainy weather, many wheat piled on the roadside has been mildew. India wastes millions of tons of wheat, because after the grain harvest, there is no enough storage to store the excess grain. This caused a great impact on India grain industry. And the grain loss is not only in northern India, the loss of southern rice producing areas is also very alarming. It is estimated that there would loss nearly 10 million tons of rice and wheat in the rainy season because of the open storage in India. The reason for this problem is shortage storage or inability to transport the grain to the storage area. India Food Minister Thomas K.V. said, the government will make every effort to build warehouses, and they would try to reduce grain losses due to lack of storage. He said that the government encourages the private sector to invest in the construction of the warehouse.

This must be some good news for grain wholesalers and exporters. So the grain silo as a well storage warehouses has began to enter people's view, and in the recent years the grain silo has become the very popular professional equipment in the grain storage area.
Grain silo, which is made by hot rolling double galvanized coil, can well protect grain from all weather conditions. The strong roof stands up to high winds. The corollary equipment can keep grain fresh and in condition for years. The corollary equipment include Temperature measurement system, Ventilation System, Drying system, Dust collector etc, they can well protect the grain in all situations. Flyer Steel Silo Co., Ltd use the hot rolling double galvanized coil as their main material, with superior German steel silo equipment and professional expertise,and provide a 1-year free maintenance. After the project is delivered and for over one-year maintenance period, Flyer provide thoughtful service as usual and collect only the corresponding cost of materials. In a word, Flyer will make full use of their excellent technology and professional equipment to produce high quality grain silo to meet your different requirements in grain storage.