Commons:Værktøjer til upload

Der er mange forskellige måder at uploade medier til Wikimedia Commons.
Integrerede værktøjer
Commons standardværktøj til upload. Kan tilgås via linket "Læg en fil op" under menuen "Deltag".
Understøtter præ-udfyldning af felter.
Mulig tilpasning: Valg af standard-licens i Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-uploads
En simpel upload formular, det oprindelige interface til upload. Værktøjet er stadig nyttigt til upload af filer der ikke benytter {{Information}}, som f.eks. filer der benytter skabelonerne {{Artwork}}, {{Photograph}}, {{Art photo}} eller {{Book}}. Hvis du f.eks. ønsker at uploade filer der benytter skabelonerne {{Artwork}} og {{PD-old-100}} kan du præ-udfylde
== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Artwork |wikidata = Q.... |source = ..... }} == {{int:license-header}} == {{PD-Art|PD-old-100}} [[Category:.......]]
og indsætte det i vinduet.
Dette ECMAScript tillader integrering af funktionen importScript();
for upload i mindre dele (chunks) med en forudsat størrelse. Det undgår nogen af de finurligheder ved Upload Stash, der endnu ikke kan håndteres af Upload Wizard.
- Understøtter individuelle uploads på op til 2 GB.
Selvstændige skrivebords-applikationer

VicuñaUploader er et gratis værktøj skrevet i Java, designet til at uploader filer til Wikimedia Commons og andre Wikimedia-projekter. Det minder lidt om Commonist, men har mere funktionalitet og en anden brugerflade.
Note that the current stable version 1.23 has a bug that prevents login to Commons. In version 1.25 the bug is fixed.
ComeOn! er et gratis værktøj skrevet i Java til at uploade billeder til Wikimedia Commons med udvidet understøttelse af JPEG metadata og dennes brug i templates. Det er på nuværende tidspunkt i beta, men pålidelig. Det understøtter også lydfiler.
Pattypan er et open-source værktøj skrevet i Java til at uploade filer til Wikimedia Commons og andre Wikimedia projekter ved hjælp af regneark.
OpenRefine is a free, open-source tool written in Java that can be used for data wrangling, batch uploads to Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. It supports Structured Data on Commons (editing and upload).
- Wikimedians can access a cloud version of OpenRefine on PAWS. Log in and click the blue diamond logo to launch OpenRefine.
- Download and install OpenRefine on your own computer (Linux, Windows and MacOS)
- Information, documentation

Sunflower is an upload tool for macOS which makes it easy to batch-upload files to the Wikimedia Commons.
Commonist (virker ikke)

Commonist er et Java-baseret program der giver mulighed for let at uploade et stort antal billeder til Wikimedia Commons og andre MediaWiki-installationer.
Commonist is a Java program for easy upload of larger numbers of images to Wikimedia Commons and other MediaWiki installations.

PyCommonist is a Python-PyQt6 program for easy upload of larger numbers of images to Wikimedia Commons. Its user interface is largely inspired by Commonist.
Læs Commons:Command-line upload/da.
Udvidelser til billed-software
Et plugin til Darktable der giver bruger mulighed for at eksportere billeder Wikimedia Commons.

A KIPI plugin for digiKam and Gwenview was made for easy upload of larger numbers of images to Wikimedia Commons and other MediaWiki installations.
- — digiKam download page
- Information and discussion
A plugin for Adobe Lightroom that lets you export files to MediaWiki.
Smartphone apps
Upload to Commons with Android
A free Android app is available for uploading images directly to Commons. The tool can be found on Google Play and on the open source repository F-Droid. The code is under the Apache license.
There is alternative simpler open-source CommonsLab Android app for uploading directly to Commons. The code is under the MIT license.
Offroader is an Android app, written to show, how an upload of large files (also with slow or bad internet connections) could work better with other Upload tools. It is an demonstrator and can write protocols, that - if sent to developers - can help developers identify problems of the MW upload process. It is available as an unpaid and a full paid version from a number of app shops.
Upload to Commons with iOS
The iOS app Commons Uploader is not currently available on the app store. It used to work with devices running iOS 12 or newer. The app lacked much of the functionality of the Android app. It did not allow the user to review other recent Commons uploads and its map function was limited.
The similar Wiki Uploader is compatible with iOS 9 and newer, but has not been updated since 2019.
It does its job with some quirks:
Only images taken in the last couple of days can be uploaded and the app frequently freezes for about 30 seconds. Categories are suggested as soon as the first letters are typed but the bright yellow font color is very hard to read. Title and description fields are automatically filled with the location and date metadata if a single image is selected. This information has to be manually copied to proceed with several images. When several images are uploaded the author information is usually only added to the first one and has to be added manually to the others.
Transfer tools
Transfer within Wikimedia
The FileImporter (instructions here) is a Wikimedia Commons extension which imports the file including all data when all prerequisites are met.
Technically, the files won't be "moved", but "copied". The tool provides a "Export" link to the local wiki in order to allow moving the file to Wikimedia Commons.
Commons Helper
This page will generate code that you can copy and paste when moving an image from a Wikipedia to Commons. Note that you still need to verify the source and only transfer images that have reasonable licenses. You also still need to give the image a category, although the assistant is hooked up to CommonSense, so it can suggest them at the same time. Developed by User:Magnus Manske.
- Main page: Commons:CropTool.
For cropping and then uploading images.
Afledte værker fra Wikimedia Commons
Uploading by URL

right, you'll see an additional input box on Special:Upload for selecting the upload source. Users with the upload_by_url
right (all registered users), can directly transfer images from whitelisted websites via the API or via Special:Upload.
With the Upload Wizard it is possible to upload files from Flickr.
URL2commons værktøjet
The URL2commons tool allows all users to directly transfer images from websites to commons.
From specific external websites
Britisk bibliotek
eap2pdf er et værktøj der kan downloade bøger en-masse fra British Librarys Endangered Archives Programme. Værktøjet kan også downloade en enkelt bog og uploade den til Commons. Installation af Python3 er krævet. Værktøjet kan bruges på Linux, og kan tilpasses til Windows.
There are various tools to help upload files from Flickr.
- Flickr2Commons – Tool to easily upload single and multiple files from Flickr to Commons. This tool uses OAuth to upload files to Commons. See Special:OAuthListConsumers/view/74a4d433d0ab9f9fad720e1c4eb8159a for version 1.0, use Special:OAuthManageMyGrants to manage connected apps.
- Flinfo – For people who want to upload Flickr pictures by themselves.
- Upload Wizard – If you are an administrator, image reviewer or autopatroller, you can import images and photosets from Flickr via the Upload Wizard.
For GLAM-sæt kan benytte Glam2Commons til at uploader filer fra det pågældende GLAM-sæt til Commons.
GLAMpipe har også været benyttet.
- User:Kaldari/iNaturalist2Commons - Bruger-script til at importere specifikke billeder af en takson.
- Wiki loves iNaturalist tool - Hjælper dig med at finde arter på Wikipedia og Wikidata der mangler billeder, og at finde billeder på iNaturalist med passende licenser
- User:Kaldari/iNaturalist2Commons - User script to import specific images of a taxon
- Wiki loves iNaturalist tool - Helps you find articles of species on Wikipedia and Wikidata that lack images and find appropriately licensed images in iNaturalist
Internet Archive
IA Upload is available for everyone (uses OAuth) to upload DjVu files of books from the Internet Archive. You select any free IA book and the {{Book}} template is prefilled (you are given a chance to edit it before upload).
If the desired book is not yet on Internet Archive, you can use BUB (Book Uploader Bot) to request its addition from another source. The job is entirely automatic, accepts requests for multiple books at once, and can notify by email when the book is ready with a link to ia-upload to complete the transfer.
Internet Archive also provides conversion of video from any format to ogv. You are advised to upload the video at the highest quality you have, up to about 400 GB per item.
For comprehensive help on how to use the Internet Archive for Wikisource and other Wikimedia activities, refer to s:en:Help:DjVu files#The Internet Archive.
Mapillary 2 Commons and Updated tool for uploading Mapillary images to Wikimedia Commons (WIP) are both available for everyone (uses OAuth) to upload street-level imagery.
SteamGridDB is a website for logos and other art assets of video games, many of which may be too simple to be copyrighted. The browser script sgdb2commons can speed up the process of importing these logos to Commons; see User:IagoQnsi/sgdb2commons for installation and usage instructions.
- Use video2commons to upload any video from the web. The tools automatically converts videos to a Commons-compatible format (uses OAuth).
VideoCutTool allows users to upload videos in any format to Commons with a user friendly UI and provides the users with options to edit videos before the upload.