Commons:Tutorial for Animation graphism
[edit]Welcome to this animation tutorial! This tutorial is aimed at absolute beginners who are interested in getting started with animation.
Animations with Photoshop
[edit]Level 1 Animation Two Easy Pics
[edit]Level 1 animation is easy and involves having two easy pictures be swapped by others. This can be attained in photoshop here : . However I am still looking for a free editor which can be used to animate two images.
Level 2 Animation Many pics slowly
[edit]Level 2 animation is an extension of level 1 animation. It allows you to include more images and to "time" their appearance. This is also shown in the tutorial above : however it still uses Photoshop and I am still researching a free tool.
Level 3 Many pics with a moving horse
[edit]There are a few animations tools out there but it would be nice to hear of someone giving an example of an animation they created using a free tool.
Animations with GIMP
[edit]Animations can be created in GIMP very easily.

First, create each frame of the image (or copy each frame from previously created files) on a separate GIMP layer. Second, preview your animation with the Filters:Animation:Playback menu item (in your image window). Third, if you are saving as a GIF, the image color must be in Indexed mode (Image:Mode:Indexed menu item). Finally, save your image as an animation by either choosing an animatable format (such as GIF), or select the animation format from the file type selector. If you save as a GIF, GIMP will prompt you asking if you want to Flatten Image or Save as Animation. Choose Save as Animation. Set your desired frame disposition (combine or replace), frame rate, and comment in the dialogue that follows, and you should get an animated image file.
- To complete.
[edit]Stykz is a easy program to use for simple animations. It is a basic animation program where you draw objects on the screen, colour them, and move individual parts of it around. When you are finished, just click next frame to proceed. It works on windows, mac and linux.