新疆 - شینجاڭ
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Deutsch: Xinjiang ist die umgangssprachliche Bezeichnung für die autonome Region der Uigurischen Nationalität der Volksrepublik China.
English: Xinjiang (新疆) Uyghur Autonomous Region (شینجاڭ ئۇيغۇر ئاپتونوم رايونی) is in western China which borders the Tibet Autonomous Region to the south and Qinghai and Gansu to the southeast. There are 17 ethnic groups living there. They are all similar in customs to the ones in the other countries of middle Asia.
Español: Xinjiang (新疆), región autónoma de la República Popular China (شینجاڭ ئۇيغۇر ئاپتونوم رايونی), fronteriza con la región autónoma del Tibet al sur y Qinghai y Gansu al sureste. Conviven en ella 17 grupos étnicos.
日本語: 新疆ウイグル自治区(新疆維吾爾自治区)は、中華人民共和国の西端にある自治区である。
한국어: 신장 (新疆) 웨이우얼 자치구(شینجاڭ ئۇيغۇر ئاپتونوم رايونی) 는 중국 서쪽에 위치한 위구르족 자치구이며, 남쪽은 티베트 자치구, 남동쪽은 칭하이 성과 간쑤 성에 접해 있다. 신장에는 17개의 소수 민족이 거주한다. 신장은 문화적으로는 대부분의 중앙아시아국가들과 유사한 점들이 많다.
ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche: شینجاڭ - مەن بولسسام شنجاڭدن (新疆) . مەن بولسام شنجاڭنى ياخش كۆرمەن. شنجىاڭ بولسا گۇزەل يەر. شنجىاڭدا گۇزەل يەر جىق،سلەرنىڭ شنجىاڭگا كلپ ساياھەت كلشڭزنى ككزىگن كارشى ئالمز.
地图 / خەرتە / Maps
[edit]Español: Mapas
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中文(简体):更多新疆的地图在Maps of Xinjiang (新疆的地图)
English: See more maps at Maps of Xinjiang
Español: Ver más mapas en Mapas de Xinjiang
ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche: ئۈرۈمچی
Español: Ciudades
ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche: قەشقەر
Kashgar in 1868
阿帕克霍加墓/ئاپاق غۇجا/Apakh hoja tomb / Tumba de Apakh hoja
Tomb, detail /Detalle de la tumba
喀什艾提卡尔清真寺 / ھەيىتكا مەسچت / Id kah mosque / Mezquita de Id Kah
喀什古代遗物 / قەشگەر قەدمې يادكارلقلرى / Old zone /Casco viejo
老街房子 House in the old zone /Casa en el casco viejo
爱特来此 / ئەتلەس كېيملىرې / Market / Mercado
尖塔 / Minaret / Minarete
中文(简体):更多喀什的照片在Category:Kashgar (喀什)
English: More photos at Kashgar
Español: Más fotos en Kashgar
ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche: خوتەن
Mosque / 清真寺 / Mezquita
Melikawat ruins / Ruinas de Melikawat
Carpet factory / 地毯工厂 /Fábrica de alfombras
Internet cafe /中文(简体):网吧/Ciber café
中文(简体):更多和田的照片在Category:Khotan (和田)
English: More photos at Category:Khotan
Español: Más fotos en Categoría: Khotan
ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche: تۇرپان
吐魯番的街道 / Turpan street / Calle en Turpan
Flaming Mountains / 火焰山 / Montañas flamígeras
Ruins of Jiaohe old town / Ruinas de la ciudad antigua de Jiaohe
中文(简体):更多吐鲁番的照片在Category:Turpan (吐鲁番)
English: More photos at Category:Turpan
Español: Más fotos en Categoría: Turpan
ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche: يەكەن ناھىيىسى
Street / 街道 / Calle
Aman Isa Khan Mausoleum /Mausoleo de Aman Isa Khan
Kings tombs / Tumbas de los reyes de Yarkand
Mosque / 清真寺 /Mezquita
中文(简体):更多莎车的照片在Category:Yarkand (莎车)
English: More photos at Category:Yarkand
Español: Más fotos en Categoría: Yarkand
[edit]Español: Gente
Español: Uigur
English: More photos at Category:Uyghur people
中文(简体):更多维吾尔人的照片在Category:Uyghur people
Español: Más fotos en Categoría: Gente Uighur
Español: Kirguiz
[edit]Español: Naturaleza
English: More photos at Category:Karakoram Highway
Español: Más fotos en Categoría: Karakoram Highway
Kanas lake & Karakul lake (with Muztagh Ata peak)
Lake Kanas
The Moon Bay in Xinjiang, near Lake Kanas
Muztagh Ata peak at karakul lake / El pico Muztagh Ata junto al lagoKarakul
Tien-Shan mountains
Taklamakan desert
Español: Desierto del Taklamakán
Español: Valle de Oytak
Oytak valley /Valle de Oytak
English: More photos at Category:Oytak
Español: Más fotos en Categoría: Oytak
Ancient Art of Xinjiang
[edit]- Part one
Jars and sculpted wood. Antic city of Karadong, 5th - 3th BCE. Taklamakan, ancient Keriya valley. Photo Aurel Stein, 1906, International Dunhuang Project.
Ruins of Gaochang, founded in the 1 st AD. Earthen Architecture.
Detail of a Buddha's head 21B. High register of the sanctuary B wooden and painted plaster, Keriya Valley. Early 3 th. Provincial Museum, Ürümqi.
Bodhisattva or devata to earring. Greco-Buddhist Art. Tumshuq to Toqquz-Sarai (Kashgar). 5th cent. Dried mud. Guimet Museum
Couple richly adorned. Scene of the preaching of the Buddha. Kucha, Duldur-āqur sanctuary northeast. Xinjiang. Mural, early 1st. Guimet Museum
Prayers listening to a sermon of the Buddha. Mural, from Kucha. End 6th - top 7th cent. Guimet Museum
'Woman playing Go game' section of a screen, Astana falls 187. Turpan. H .: 63 cm. Ink and colors on silk, 8th cent. Tang Dynasty. Provincial Museum, Ürümqi.
Ladies from Khotan, Buddhist donor. To their left (out of frame) a Uygur woman. Dunhuang, cave 61 Yulin, 11th cent. Mogao Caves. Five Dynasties
- Part two
Afaq Khoja Mausoleum, 1600-1640. Decoration wrapping earthenware, sgraffito in the Iwan. Curved Minarets. Kashgar
Pillars and ceiling with polychrome geometric decoration of the mosque. Afaq Khoja Mausoleum . Kashgar.
Afaq Khoja Mausoleum, frontage, exterior walls covered with ceramic tiles in blue enamel on white slip with vegetal decoration.
Sultan Emin Khoja's Minaret, 1777, détail. Turfan , 1777, and Uighur mosque. Decor brick. Minaret: h. 44 m., d. 10 m. The tallest minaret in China. Turfan.
Geometric decoration in pure bricks. Emin minaret, 1777, détail. Turfan