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आईके चित्र
Portrait of a French lady, Magdaleine Pinceloup de la Grange, represented with her Chartreux cat in 1747 by artist Jean-Baptiste Perronneau. Today is International Cat Day.
आईके मिडिया
![]() How Earth's tectonic plates and lands may have been positioned and moved in the past: an animated video of a full-plate tectonic model extended one billion years into the past.
It is a result of the 2020 study "Extending full-plate tectonic models into deep time". भाग लैत
मासिक फोटो चुनौती
![]() अपनसबक मासिक विषयगत चुनौतीसँ निपटय लेल, प्रेरणा लेबय लेल आ नव-नव विषयके आजमाबय लेल किछ तस्वीरसभ खीचू आ अपलोड करू! चुनौतीके बारेमे बेसी जानू! Highlights
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