انتقل إلى المحتوى


من ويكي مصدر، المكتبة الحرة

ملاحظة: بعد النشر، أنت قد تحتاج إلى إفراغ الكاش الخاص بمتصفحك لرؤية التغييرات.

  • فايرفوكس / سافاري: أمسك Shift أثناء ضغط Reload، أو اضغط على إما Ctrl-F5 أو Ctrl-R (⌘-R على ماك)
  • جوجل كروم: اضغط Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R على ماك)
  • إنترنت إكسبلورر/إيدج: أمسك Ctrl أثناء ضغط Refresh، أو اضغط Ctrl-F5
  • أوبرا: اضغط Ctrl-F5.
	بعد التحديث يتوجب حذف الكاش عبر URL: http://tools.wmflabs.org/wsexport/tool/book.php?refresh=true&lang=ar

@page { 
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/* تعريفات كتل النص */
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/* العناوين */
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h6 {
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a:link, a:visited {
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/* Notes */
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sup.reference {padding-right: 1.07pt; }

 * Left/right-floated images
 * e.g. [[File:Foo.jpg|left]]
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.floatright {
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/* centered image */
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 * Force images to fit in their containers.
 * Specifically, this is to avoid them extending off the page
.content a > img,
.content noscript > img {
  max-width:100% !important;
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 * Sidenotes
.wst-sidenote-left {

.wst-sidenote-right {


 * Use the same formatting choices as on-wiki for consistency
dt {
  font-weight: bold;
  margin-bottom: 0.1em;

 * Remove this forced background color as the dots are not exported
.toc-line-entry-text {
	background: transparent !important;

/* Prevent huge DHR's which usually result in content disappearing over page
 * breaks */
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/* Make sure tables fit on the page (even if a manual size if set) */
/* and generally avoid breaking in the middle of them */
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 * Centre table header like on-wiki 
table caption {
	text-align: center;

 * The double-float for the drop initials works for the margins on the inner
 * initial, but it trips up some Epub engine, so nerf it for now.
 * Eventually, the margins on {{di}} should be set on the top element and this
 * will be easier.
.ws-poem-hi span.dropinitial-initial {

 * Disable "helpful" auto-indents for poems in some e-readers
 * (note: this means using <poem> is better than <br/>, which has no semantic
 * content and can't be used to target this styling)
.poem, .poem p {
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 * Disable the indented-page pagenumber margin styles
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/* This generally doesn't export well, so fall back on the inner em-dashes
 * revisit this if it can be improved in readers */
.wst-bar-inner {
	color: inherit !important;
.wst-bar {
	text-decoration: inherit !important;

/* normally this would not be included anyway as exports don't come from the page NS,
 * but sometimes it's useful to do so when debugging EPUBs */
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	display: none;

/* ضبط الحواشي */
.reference a::after {
  content: ']';

.reference a::before {
  content: '[';

.ref-arabic-indic .reference a::after {
  content: ')';

.ref-arabic-indic .reference a::before {
  content: '(';

.reflist-arabic-indic .references li::marker {
  content: '(' counter( mw-references, arabic-indic ) ')';

/* تنسيقات تتبع القوالب الشائعة */

/* ==== أبيات==== */

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/* تنسيق شطر شطر */
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